Educational Experiences

Hawaiian Limu Lei-Making Tour

Park guests will have an opportunity to weave their own Hawaiian seaweed (Limu) lei, learn about Hawaiian culture and the partnership between Sea Life Park and the Waimanalo Limu Hui.  The lei’s are part of an effort to replant native Hawaiian Limu back to the ocean in hopes of restoring Hawaii’s shoreline ecosystem with its most important resource, Limu.

When: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
Time: 1:00pm (duration 30 minutes)
Where: 3D SEA
Cost: $15+tax (plus General Admission)
Ages: 8+
Maximum person: 10 people

Honu Tour

Sea Life Park Hawaii is home to the only group of breeding Hawaiian green sea turtles under professionally managed care. Explore the history of our Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle Conservation Program and dive into the life cycle stages of these majestic animals through our new Honu Tour. During this guided, walking tour, you will visit our resident adult sea turtles, as well as some of our current juvenile turtles, while learning about the different life stages of these amazing animals and the challenges they face in today's oceans.

Cost: Free with park admission (Donations graciously accepted. 100% proceeds to Malama I Na Honu)

Ages: 10 years and up
Durration: 30 minutes
Schedule: Wednesdays and Saturdays, starting February 7th
10:30 am - 11:00 am and 1:15 pm - 1:45 pm
Maximum Capacity: 10 people

Call the Reservation Department at 808-259-2500 or sign up at the Ticket Office upon arrival.


Peel & Pound: Kapa Experience

Dates: Sunday, June 23rd  |  Saturday, July 27th   |  Saturday, August 31st 

Time: From 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

45 minutes per session, three sessions per day

During this 45-minute introductory experience, you are invited to learn the basics of the art of Kapa Making as Kumu Page Puko'a Chang uses traditional methods to teach you how to process Hawaiian Wauke trees, or Paper Mulberry, into Mo‘omo‘o, a fibrous material that is the precursor to actual Hawaiian Kapa. 

FREE Demonstation days will also be available throughout the month for guests to meet Page and oberseve the processes involved in Kapa making. 

Inquire at

$25 per person
Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult.

Call Reservation at 808-259-2500 or sign up at the Ticket Office upon arrival.
Limited availability within each time slot. 

Creating Kapa

Ka Hana Kapa Workshop

Dates: Saturday, June 22nd  |  Saturday, July 13th  |  Saturday, August 10th

Time: From 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
2.5 hour session

Learn the Hawaiian language and history of Kapa making during this 1 1/2 hour fully immersive experience presented by Kumu Page Puko'a Chang. You will learn more Hawaiian culture as you process Hawaiian Wauke trees, or Paper Mulberry, into Mo‘omo‘o, a fibrous material that is the precursor to actual Hawaiian Kapa using traditional hand-carved tools and methods. This presentation takes guests through the entire kapa making process.

FREE Demonstation days will also be available throughout the month for guests to meet Page and oberseve the processes involved in Kapa making. 

Inquire at

$75 per person
Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult.

Call Reservation at 808-259-2500 or sign up at the Ticket Office upon arrival.
Limited availability within each time slot. 




Call 808-259-2500  or email

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